12/30/2022 - 12:28pm
December 30th Grooming Report
12/29/2022 - 11:58am
Name: Hadley Hammer
Age: 36
Discipline with JHSC:
Alpine Racing, Freeride Skiing
How old were you when you joined JHSC?
5th grade* don’t hold me responsible to this answer….
12/29/2022 - 9:03am
December 29th Grooming Report
12/28/2022 - 3:11pm
January Freeride Newsletter
Thanks for reading the January edition of the Freeride Program Newsletter. This writing attempts to cover what has been accomplished with our athletes, but also highlights upcoming events that our program is involved with.
12/27/2022 - 5:52pm
JHSC Club and Community Nordic Update
Happenings of the JHSC Nordic Program, Trail Creek Nordic Center, and Local Nordic Community
12/27/2022 - 12:10pm
The Backcountry Program is up and running! The 4-month team officially kicked off the season at Snow King on December 1st. We have a big team this year with 20 athletes. Every member puts in hard work at practice twice a week after school, skinning up Snow King and working on touring skills.