2 Day Race Team

This program offers all the same great skiing, mountain skills, and racing fundamentals emphasized in all JHSC Alpine Programs in a 2 days/week program. The 2 Day Race Team will include Saturdays at JHMR and Wednesday afternoon/evening trainings at Snow King. Emphasis is placed on all-around skiing fundamentals but with an introduction to racing and Giant Slalom technique and tactics. Athletes are arranged in groups based on skill, speed, and social needs. Participants must be able to put on their own ski equipment, load and ride the lift alone, and ski at an intermediate level at Snow King and JHMR.

Age for 2024-25 Winter Season

Born 2013-2017 (from 6 to 11 years old)

Skill Development Focus

  • All-Mountain Safety
  • Work on balance, coordination, movement, and athletic stance on skis. Goal is that athletes can ski most terrains with adequate technique. Starting with introduction to carving, usage of upper and lower body separation, and pole plant.
  • An introduction to the basic tactical elements of racing.

For more information on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Training System model, click here.

Parent/Athlete Handbook 


03/04/2025 - 8:14pm
The Alpine team has been busy prepping for qualifying races and now getting ready for championships events! Weather in the valley recently has made for great training at Snow King and the sun always makes spirits high!
02/05/2025 - 4:17pm
Alpine Newsletter
01/09/2025 - 12:28pm
Alpine January Newsletter Sean Nurse Memorial Race – Snow King