Masters Racing

JHSC Masters ski racers seek to reach their potential regardless of their age or when they started ski racing. Masters racing is designed for every level of competitor. It provides local, regional, national, and international opportunities in all four ski racing disciplines – slalom, giant slalom, Super G, and downhill. It appeals to adult ski racers who compete within age groups and for overall honors. It is a great way for NASTAR and college racers, parents of junior racers, ski instructors, USSS-certified coaches, former professional racers, and ex-national team members to continue doing what they love, skiing fast and having fun.
The program is geared for our local USSS Masters competitors which will focus on early season skill development, race preparation, and competition. This program will include single-pole Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Super G training and will train with or next to our FIS group. Daily program objectives will include skill progressions, free ski and gate drills, video analysis, and timing when appropriate. Masters participants are encouraged to participate in the local adult race series (Margarita Cup) and/or travel to USSS Masters events. Travel will be up to the Masters athlete to coordinate.
Masters racing provides opportunities to meet and compete with a group of extraordinary individuals from all walks of life. The friendships that develop are a key benefit from participation. At many events, masters racing is a family affair, where two or three generations compete. Masters racing is highly social, and the masters are a welcoming group. Of the many reasons current masters give for getting involved, camaraderie always tops the list. Second, of course, is a love of competition! We also ask the Masters (either as a group or individually) to come up with some way to support our junior Alpine program.
We here at the Jackson Hole Ski & Snowboard Club strive in teaching individuals the technical aspect of carving the perfect turn whether your free skiing or in a race course. We promise you'll leave this program with a much better understanding as to how to arc a ski to create that perfect turn. So for all you backcountry skiers and weekend warriors, look into what we have to offer you. You're never too old to learn something.  


03/04/2025 - 8:14pm
The Alpine team has been busy prepping for qualifying races and now getting ready for championships events! Weather in the valley recently has made for great training at Snow King and the sun always makes spirits high!
02/05/2025 - 4:17pm
Alpine Newsletter
01/09/2025 - 12:28pm
Alpine January Newsletter Sean Nurse Memorial Race – Snow King