03/01/2023 - 1:19pm
Alpine Program Update: Read about what each of our teams learned and achieved last month
03/01/2023 - 12:07pm
March 1st Grooming Report
03/01/2023 - 10:30am
JHSC Core Values: Celebrating Sportsmanship, Honoring Competition
02/27/2023 - 4:50pm
JHSC Club and Community Nordic Update
Happenings of the JHSC Nordic Program, Trail Creek Nordic Center, and Local Nordic Community
02/27/2023 - 2:10pm
Backcountry got into full swing during the month of February! We now have both the Mini Mountaineers and the 4-month program going. The Minis are just getting going, and the 4 Month program is working on avalanche classes.
02/26/2023 - 9:35am
February 26th Grooming Report
02/25/2023 - 9:25am
February 25th Grooming Report