
01/29/2021 - 11:00am
WE ARE RACING! January racing was very much effected by Covid. Many races very moved back in the schedule. Even with all the effects of Covid we had athletes racing in IMD races and we had couple athletes participating in training and races in Europe.
01/28/2021 - 3:42pm
February is the JHSC month of SPORTSMANSHIP!
01/28/2021 - 1:44pm
January 28th Grooming Report
01/27/2021 - 11:51am
January 27th Grooming Report
01/26/2021 - 11:57am
January 26th Grooming Report
01/25/2021 - 12:09pm
January 25th Grooming Report
01/24/2021 - 10:06am
January 24th Grooming Report
01/23/2021 - 5:44am
January 23rd Grooming Report
01/22/2021 - 9:33am
January 22nd Grooming Report
01/21/2021 - 10:36am
January 21st Grooming Report


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