Freeride Program Takes Training Year Around!
The Freeride Program just wrapped up an amazing season of training and competition. Even though our athletes are back to in-person learning and playing spring sports, we have very important updates about how our 2021 season finished. For the first time in the history, the Jackson Hole Ski and...
The Freeride Program was firing on all eight cylinders throughout March. With our season being extended through April 10th, we’ve been busy training hard in the terrain park almost every and all practice! Lots of new tricks are being discovered – gotta love spring conditions! When...
Wednesday Night Lights (WNL) Rail-Jam Series Athlete Has Everyones Attention. Photo: Ryan Dee
Freeride Program Athletes Make Notable Splash with IFSA Results!
After a pause put in place by our local ski mountain, I’m really excited to get on snow with our athletes January 3rd! Even though our program and community had a major setback, I was so impressed with the outstanding support from the Freeride Program community. I received such...