January 7th Grooming Report--Racing Tomorrow!

January 7th Grooming Report

Racing Tomorrow!

Beginning at 11:30 Friday morning Western Wyoming youth will be taking advantage of Trail Creek’s lovely terrain while racing each other to see who is the fastest.  Don’t forget that because of the pandemic that there will be no spectators, but look for results to be posted in subsequent grooming reports.  The trails not involved for the race course will be open and accessible by walking in from the end of the old pass road although parking could be a bit tight.

Today’s grooming began with a total Pisten Bully rework of the National Forest trails with multiple passes and fresh classic tracks.  All other trails received Pisten Bully best line skate grooming.  While yesterday’s classic tracks were in really good shape at the initiation of grooming, about three inches fell during grooming with moderate to heavy snowfall continuing.

Groomer’s choice for today is the National Forest trails.