January 6th Grooming Report--Back in Business

January 6th Grooming Report

Back in Business!

The Pisten Bully returned with a flourish today, thrashing many kilometers of freshly fallen snow into some great Nordic ski trails.  Not only will you find lots of great ski trails, the sun is shining and temps are nearly Nordic perfect, so today would be a great day to put your Nordic gear to work.

It will be busy today as Monday and Wednesday afternoons are now peak participation for our programs.  Keep your distance, but it is especially a joy to see the wee ones out on their skis.  The great image below of the Lollipoppers was submitted by Coach Kathy, thanks!

Also keep on you radar that Friday and Saturday are race days and that the course will be closed to the public.  However, it looks like you should be able to still find plenty of skiing in the further reaches of the woods.

Today’s grooming was fresh classic tracks and multiple Pisten Bully passes on every trail except for Woolsey Woods and the National Forest.  The National Forest did receive a single Pisten Bully pass and is on the docket for additional grooming tomorrow.  Woolsey Woods will not be groomed until the races are over.

Groomer’s choice for today is to ski the East Fields.