January 5th Grooming Report--Rustic!

January 5th Grooming Report


Rustic will definitely be an adjective today if you are lucky enough to get out for a Nordic ski.  We received 8-10 inches overnight on top of yesterday’s 6 inches with more or less blustery weather happening this morning along with times of heavy snow fall with patches of sunshine in between, the result being a lot of work to do to get our trails all back in tip top condition.

The Pisten Bully is scheduled to return to service later in the day and there was no chance of keeping the Ginzu moving through the heavy snow this morning, so the roller was the implement of choice today.  The good news is that pretty much every trail did receive multiple passes and the snow is pretty much winding down.  What you will not find today are classic tracks, however, classic skiers should be able to find much joy in the marvel of the new fallen snow and the reality that the rolled snow is pretty firm thanks to the warm temperatures.  Skaters will encounter the opportunity for more workout per kilometer than usual which can be a good thing.

Racing returns this weekend, click on the map above for a more detailed image.  The race course will be closed to the public on Friday and Saturday but most of the woods will be open and hopefully Pisten Bully groomed by then.

Groomer’s choice for today is a classic ski through the woods.