March 11th Grooming Report Western Region Junior Championships!

March 11th Grooming Report

Western Region Junior Championships!

A whole bunch of JHSC Nordic skiers are in Utah today to participate in the last major event of the season, the Western Region Junior Championships.  Because of the pandemic there is no junior national championship this year, but the individual regions have been able to put together events for our athletes to show off their abilities after a season of tough training.

Because of the pandemic, no spectators are being allowed this year, full information about the event can be found on the 2021 Western Region Junior Championship website and racing results can be found at the Summit Timing website.  Racing begins today and continues through Saturday.

Even though you probably can’t go watch the championships in Utah, you can still have a nice ski today at Trail Creek.  It looks like we’re in for a spell of cool nights and somewhat warm days with little precipitation going forward.  Conditions are quite hard but still skiing pretty well.

Today’s grooming happened yesterday evening with mainly skate grooming throughout the fields and close woods.  Classic tracks are thin in places but working ok mostly if you can get your wax dialed.  Thankfully the afternoon temps are moderate enough that the snow is kind of in stasis mode and keeping pretty stable and skiable.  Look for evening grooming to continue until the next snow.

Word from up north is that while the crust is stable enough for some fun classic skiing, it still has a ways to go for skaters to be able to do their thing well.

Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.