January 14th Grooming Report--Blow Wind Blow!

January 14th Grooming Report

Blow Wind Blow!

The weather in the past 24 hours has trended towards the boisterous side with some very strong winds coming late in the day yesterday along with a variable slate of precipitation.  Probably the first thing that you will notice if you ski in the woods today is that the snow is littered with needles, cones, and other bits of organic debris that has been blown off the trees.  The grooming departments estimates that around 31,680,000 (email if you want the calculations) pieces of organic matter have fallen on our trails in the past 24 hours.

With all that being said, things are coming around today.  The wind is still moving, but speeds are dropping towards the gentle breeze range.  The Pisten Bully was hard at it today, softening the icy glaze that happened, moving trees off the trails, and attempting to bury the fallen debris.  The result is that while the snow is still a bit dirty, you should be able to have a reasonable to pretty good ski today if you make it out.

Until next Monday Trail Creek will be lightly utilized by the JHSC teams so you will also find plenty of room.  Today you will discover that the Pisten Bully laid skate lanes and double classic tracks in the close field, skate lanes and single classic tracks on pretty much every other trail that wasn’t on the National Forest, and at least a single classic track pass on the National Forest trails.

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.