January 13th Grooming Report--Soggy Snowballs!

January 13th Grooming Report

Soggy Snowballs!

This afternoon all the teams will converge upon Trail Creek and the continuing precipitation, while mostly in the frozen form, will result in mountains of dripping and soggy mittens, jackets, and ski pants before the sun sets today.  Hats off to the parents that bring the kids and the coaches that keep up with them through practice.  Today is a perfect snowball kind of day.

Today’s grooming was with the Pisten Bully and was more or less three agendas in addition to the grooming of all the play areas for this afternoon’s practices.  In agenda 1 the fields received double Pisten Bully passes with double classic tracks, agenda 2 was Woolsey Woods and Moose loop receiving double passes as well although only with a single classic track, and agenda 3 was that the rest of the trails received a single Pisten Bully skate pass.

Looking ahead to the rest of the week things should quiet down dramatically.  The teams are off to Soldier Hollow in Utah for the first of three qualifiers which will result in very few youth skiers after today.  It is important to note that no spectators are allowed this year although results will be available at Summit Timing.  Full event information can be accessed by clicking on the image below.

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.