December 31st Grooming Report--Looking Back!

December 31st Grooming Report

Looking Back!

It’s a lovely day today at Trail Creek with gently falling snow blanketing our intricate and challenging network of trails.  Totals as of the end of grooming were approaching the one inch range with the snow being very light and dry.  Skiing should be good today whatever your technique with very Nordic friendly temperatures of around -5ºC/23ºF.

Grooming did begin today with the Pisten Bully placing fresh classic tracks throughout the fields, however as that mission was nearing completion, the Pisten Bully suffered a slight setback which will put it out of commission for a couple of days.  Grooming was completed with the Ginzu groomer, the conditions being such that it was able to lay down some really nice best line skate passes on the rest of the trails.

Being the final day of the year, it’s fascinating to look back through the grooming reports and see how the pandemic and the year have evolved.  The first mention of pandemic was in the January 29th report, with the reality of the situation seeming to become apparent in the February 28th edition, the cabin was closed on March 15th, and the final edition expressed hope that this would all be over by the beginning of the 2020-2021 season seven months later.

The seven months have come and gone but the groomer’s choice for today is still an end to the pandemic and a Happy New Year!

January 29th Grooming Report

Planetary Problems!

While the above title brings to mind a myriad of events from pandemics to politics to climate change, most of these topics go way beyond the scope of a grooming report.  However, we do have some planetary problems relevant to our Nordic world to discuss today…

February 28th Grooming Report

TGIF Edition!

What with global pandemics and crashing stock markets if ever we needed a Thank God it’s Friday Edition, today could be it.  What better thing to do than put away the troubles of the world, grab your gear, and go out for a great Nordic ski!  While we can’t do much about the stock market, we can pretty much ensure that you won’t catch the Corona virus out here today, and exercise is always a good thing…

March 15th Grooming Report


The forecast moderate snowfall has grown into a major dump moving into the foot plus range for Trail Creek.  Today’s grooming is in progress as of early Sunday morning with multiple passes of the roller on most major trails followed by a pass of the Ginzu groomer for classic tracks on the agenda.  Skating will definitely give you a workout today while classic skiing should be divine if you can keep your skis moving in the warm snow.

In response to the growing concern of the global pandemic, the cabin will remain closed today; however, you are still encouraged to enjoy a great and healthy Nordic ski.  Just remember to maintain your six foot social distancing from other skiers (and moose) and you should have no chances of any negative consequences.

Groomer’s choice for today is touring the lovely snow draped woods.

March 31st Grooming Report

Final Edition!

The time has come . . . the permit expires . . . even though the snow is resisting the season, we need to put things away today and bring an end to a Nordic season that none of us will ever forget.  Think back to the big Thanksgiving storm that started the season in grand style, allowing us to bypass rolling and Ginzu’ing, with instead Pisten Bullying first passes everywhere.  The snowy Betty Woolsey and incredibly busy Junior National Qualifier seem like another world from today’s perspective.  The season has ended in a way no one could have imagined, with amazing crowds of people skiing, yet sheltering in place.

One of my greatest desires and prayers is that, sometime around seven months from now, the next grooming report can be posted and all of you and your loved ones will be willingly subjected to more rambling tales of skiing, moose, and all the happenings of the great people who make up our local Nordic community, and that all will have survived this whole ordeal in the best way possible….