December 30th Grooming Report--Climbing the Hill to 2021!

December 30th Grooming Report

Climbing the Hill to 2021!

The New Year is just around the corner and you won’t even have to ski up Faceplant to get there, in fact a nice gentle cruise around the East Fields will get you there just as fast.  This year has had its challenges but hopefully when you look back you will have some good memories and hopefully 2021 will be nothing but smooth corduroy if that’s your thing!

The morning temps were once again in the “quite a ways below zero” range today at Trail Creek.  The combination of cool temps and a light practice schedule meant that not much needed to be done today in the way of grooming.  What did happen was that the Pisten Bully made a best line skate pass on pretty much every trail with a fresh classic track being placed on Moose Loop because of elk damage.  All in all skiing should be nice today, just remember to dress appropriately.

Looking ahead light snow and warmer temperatures return beginning tonight so some really nice skiing should be just around the corner.  Further ahead in the near future we have high school races January 8-9 and again on January 22-23.

Groomer’s choice for today is to ski down Faceplant.