December 27th Grooming Report--The Days of Christmas!

December 27th Grooming Report

The Days of Christmas!

The twelve days of Christmas are magical on their own, but throw in a half a foot of perfect white powder and over the top it goes!  Many thanks to Coach Libby and family for adding a special touch to the Trail Creek network in the decorated tree pictured above.  Not only a lovely sight for human eyes but also a treat for our avian friends, just one more great reason for a lovely Nordic ski at Trail Creek today.

Also today we want to thank the Nordic community that came together yesterday to pull off a record setting Betty Woolsey race.  Lots of people managed to come together in a safe way and enjoy our Nordic home.  Thanks to all who helped to make this happen, full results are available here.

This morning the Pisten Bully discovered a half foot of fresh light snow when it ventured forth.  Multiple passes were made in the fields, Woolsey Woods, and Moose Loop with fresh classic tracks.  Armin’s received a single skate/classic pass while most of the rest of the trails received a single skate only pass.  While it will take another day to totally catch up, there’s plenty of really nice, slightly soft, but incredibly beautiful skiing today.  Enjoy the Christmas season with a great ski at Trail Creek today!

Groomer’s choice for today is Homesite.