December 26th Grooming Report--Betty Woolsey Race Today!

December 26th Grooming Report


Betty Woolsey Race Today!

Who’d a Thunk?  Here we are in the middle of a pandem

December 26th Grooming ReportBetty Woolsey Race Today!ic and we have 102 people signed up for the 2020 Betty Woolsey Classic race.  This race will be unlike any before, and hopefully any after for a long time.  The big thing is that COVID procedures are in place with interval starts.  The start list and times are available here.  As long as everybody does what they’re supposed to, it should be a great day.  The course map is here.

Coach Will’s instructions are as follows:

There were an impressive number of entries!  Make sure to socially distance and wear masks whenever not racing.  Bib pickup will be outside the Cabin starting at 9:15 am.  There will be no day-of registration.
Prizes will be given to the male and female winners of each category.
Please plan on arriving no earlier than 1 hour before your start time and leaving 30 minutes after your finish to reduce crowding.
Steve will set classic tracks as wide as possible to spread people out while passing or on course.  Starts will be at 30 second intervals.

The course itself is kind of a new creation in an attempt to make things as safe as possible.  In past years we have set two parallel tracks on the final grooming pass but the limit of spacing is slightly over a meter.  This year our creative response to the pandemic was on the second to last pass to set a classic track about a half meter from skiers right with the final pass setting a second classic track that was nearly two meters from the first pass.  There are pinch points and the tracks do disappear from place to place as Trail Creek is such an amazingly diverse place, but mostly you’ll find two widely spaced sets of classic tracks.

In general the skiers left track will be the most continuous track although there are places where skier’s right will be faster.  In order to get your best time you’ll have to use your brain to make some split second decisions; but it should be fun! 

And if you’re totally confused by all this discussion, just follow the classic tracks, choose the ½, 3, 5, or 10 K options and you will have a great time!

Groomer’s choice is to be safe tomorrow and to have a normal Betty Woolsey 2021.