December 17th Grooming Report--Race Updates!

December 17th Grooming Report

Race Updates!

Snow is massively dumping today at Trail Creek, setting the base for a great high school race on Saturday.  As everything else this year, things are kind of being made up as we move forward but the final plan as of December 17th is in place.  Saturday’s race will begin at 12:30 PM and most likely wrap up around 4 PM.  This necessitates closure of all trails except those on the National Forest to the public on Saturday until the race is concluded around 4 PM.  And to repeat, no spectators will be allowed at Saturday’s race.  We are trying our hardest to keep racing going this year and greatly appreciate your understanding.  National Forest trails might be groomed Saturday morning depending on grooming conditions.  The exact trails involved in the race can be viewed on this course map.

Moving on to the Betty Woolsey, it is a go!  Mark December 26th on your calendar and get those classic technique skis ready to go.  As you might have guessed, there will be no mass start this year.  Start time is 10 AM with 30 second start intervals and 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options.  Double classic tracks will be spaced wider than you’ve ever seen before at Trail Creek.  Registration is online only and available at the Betty Woolsey Registration Page.

Today’s grooming was the race course for Saturday’s race.  By the end of grooming snow totals were topping eight inches with heavy snow still falling.  A classic track was placed but was also rapidly being covered.  Skiing conditions are “fantastic rustic”.  Those hyper-regulars might notice a bit of grooming towards Mug’s Meadow; note that it is not really skiable yet, we are just laying out routing to facilitate snow moving going forward.  Check it out if you want, but the through gate is not yet open.

An amazing flock of cedar waxwings were hanging out in the big aspen tree beyond the stadium this morning.  They were darting down and feeding on dried fruit on some of the smaller trees.  Kind of a special treat if you get to check them out today!

Groomer’s choice for today is to ski both the 3 and 5 k courses.