December 16th Grooming Report--Looks Like a Race Course!

December 16th Grooming Report

Looks Like a Race Course!

The first race of the season is on tap for Saturday morning.  This high school race will have both 3 and 5 kilometer skate versions and will hopefully be a great start to the season.  Don’t forget that spectators are not allowed this year but hopefully there will be enough other trails for you to get your ski in on Saturday.  When plans are finalized we’ll let you know what time they plan to wrap up the race.

Today’s grooming was with the Pisten Bully and covered pretty much all trails recently groomed.  All three of the play areas were groomed today in anticipation of a busy practice schedule this afternoon.  The close field, Woolsey Woods, Armin’s, and Moose Loop all received multiple passes with fresh classic tracks.  You’ll even find double classic tracks in the close field.    The wind was picking up a bit in the field as grooming concluded.  Beginning on Thursday, grooming will focus on the race courses.

A whitetail doe and her two fawns have been hanging around the cabin lately and they were lollygagging around enough this morning so that they could even have their pictures taken.  Whitetail deer seem to be new immigrants in the past few years to the Trail Creek area.

Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.