December 14th Grooming Report--It Keeps on Coming!

December 14th Grooming Report

It Keeps on Coming!

Three inches of very light snow has fallen since yesterday’s grooming, moving us ever forward in our quest for Nordic Nirvana.  While still a ways from being able to do all that we hope to do, if you are lucky enough to make it out today you will find some really nice skiing.

Today’s grooming was with the Pisten Bully and was basically a single skate only pass on the National Forest trails with double passes and fresh classic tracks on the rest of the trails.  You will notice some additional recent grooming in the close field which is in preparation for Saturday’s race.

Speaking of Saturday’s race, high school coach Katie wanted to be sure that the spectator situation was clarified.  At the upcoming race NO spectators will be allowed, only racers and volunteers.  Hopefully everyone understands and will ski accordingly.  Look for the race course to be posted in the coming days.  There is still plenty of Trail Creek and you should still be able to get a ski in even while the race is going on if that is your time slot.

We had an interesting visitor today in the woods, a red fox.  While he was not about to stand around for a perfect image, he wasn’t too concerned with human presence and based upon the tracks he left as grooming progressed, was pretty much cruising all over the place.

Groomer’s choice for today is Homeward Bound with first of the year classic tracks.