December 11th Grooming Report--And So It Begins!

December 11th Grooming Report

And So It Begins!

Snow has once again graced the trails of Trail Creek with about an inch of the glorious white frozen water falling on our trails this morning.  Temps are moderate, there are glimpses of sun between the wispy clouds, a few more flakes are still falling, and the forecast calls for snow for the foreseeable future.  It doesn't get much better than that!

Today’s grooming was with the Pisten Bully resulting in some really nice conditions.  The close field, Armin’s, and Moose Loop received multiple passes with fresh classic tracks while most every other trail received a single pass without classic tracks.  We are very close to universal classic tracks, just need a good six inches or so some night and we will be good to go.

Groomer’s choice for today is to take some laps in the close field.