November 17th Grooming Report---Who’s This Guy?

November 17th Grooming Report

Who’s This Guy?

One of the biggest changes you might notice around Trail Creek this winter is that our former director, Ben Morley, has moved on to different pursuits, with his duties now being fulfilled by a very interesting guy name Will Wicherski.  You can read his full bio here, but in a nutshell he’s studied history, geology, and geography, is an Idaho native, and has Nordic skied quite speedily around the world.  It looks like the JHSC Nordic program is once again in very capable hands!

Those capable hands have led our “at capacity” number of kids in our program to their first day of serious skiing at Trail Creek yesterday.  While the littlest skiers won’t be starting until after Christmas, late afternoon weekdays will be busy at Trail Creek for the foreseeable future. 

Programs currently practicing after 3:30 are the Prep and Comp teams (every day), Junior Team (M-W-F), and Devo’s (M-W).  With the pandemic on everyone’s mind you might want to try to schedule your own outing during a slower time, but if you can’t, do remember to practice distancing.

The distance you can ski at Trail Creek is not too bad for the 17th of March.  Most major trails except for the East Fields and Black Hole/Boiler have been Pisten Bully groomed with good early season conditions.  There are still rocks and brush in places, so keep your eyes open while you are out having a good time.

Today’s grooming will hopefully bring Pisten Bully grooming to Shades of Gray which is the last minor section we are hoping to groom until the next major snowfall.  Today’s forecast of warm temps might dictate Ginzu grooming for a day or two on most trails, but you should be able to find plenty of nice early season skiing today at Trail Creek.  There are currently classic tracks in most of the close field and on Armin’s.

Don’t forget to get those passes purchased!

Groomer’s choice for today is to check out Homesite which received full grooming for the first time yesterday.