JHSC Club and Community Nordic Update
Happenings of the JHSC Nordic Program, Trail Creek Nordic Center, and Local Nordic Community
Welcome to the February Edition of “What’s Going On” for the 2024-2025 season!
Everything is “full speed ahead” in the JHSC Nordic program and at Trail Creek Nordic Center! All nine of our teams, plus two elementary school winter sports programs, have been racing, jumping, cruising, gliding, kicking, and anything else that can be done on Nordic skis. The busiest days at Trail Creek are Monday and Wednesday, with slightly lighter loads on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The weekly schedule is below.
Jackson Hole SC Nordic enthusiasts! We have had an absolutely massive January with tons of fantastic performances, lots of fun had by all age groups, and tons of participation in the Nordic program! We have been going full on with all of our age groups including Lollipoppers, Teewinots, Devos, Ositos, Juniors, Prep, Comp, Parents, Masters, Colter & Wilson Winter Sports, and more! Trail Creek has been extremely well-used every day with lots of people out skiing around during the dry weather. If you haven't gotten a chance to ski out at Trail Creek yet this year, be sure to make a trip out! The skiing is fantastic and our conditions have been fast and fun out here. We have had hundreds of kids and adults all skiing together at Trail Creek, which is the essence of the lifelong nature of Nordic skiing!
Many of our athletes have been participating in races this month; the most significant races have been the Teton Ridge Classic in Victor and the first Junior National Qualifier in Soldier Hollow. We had athletes from Devos, Juniors, Prep, and Comp all racing at the Teton Ridge Classic with great classic skiing conditions and fast racing. JHSC swept many of the categories and we even saw some participation from parents and coaches as well! The Soldier Hollow JNQ is one of the highlights of the year with huge fields, sunny conditions, and competitive racing. This kicked off the serious race season where athletes have to start qualifying for Junior Nationals by performing at the top of their respective age groups. We saw good results across the board from the U14s to U18s and U20s, and strong results at that event bode well for the rest of the race season.
Looking ahead we are going to have a hectic February starting off with the second JNQ in West Yellowstone this weekend, followed by the Moose Chase, then the last JNQ in Sun Valley, then Intermountain Youth Championships in Victor, ID. Make sure to register for the Moose Chase soon! We are offering race distances and options for everyone, from beginners to seasoned racers at the Moose Chase! We will have food and fun and something for all members of the family! Also make sure to circle March 1st and 2nd for Youth Fest in Victor. This is a super fun event for all kids under 13, with costumes, downhill races, etc. It is going to be a party and every JHSC kid should plan on attending with their families!
Hold on tight, it's going to be a wild February!
Will Wicherski
Nordic Program Director & Head Coach
Lollipoppers are living large! We’ve been munching on snacks, dreaming of March Yeti chasing, and building fundamental skiing skills. The kiddos are getting comfortable putting on their skis without help and everyone has made it up Son of Gutflop under their own power.
We’re looking forward to building agility at future practices and chugging hot cocoa at the Moose Chase. It’s been inspiring to see how quickly everyone has been learning this winter.
Coach Adam
Head Lollipopper Coach
Teewinot athletes made huge strides in their skill development in January. From sneaky-skill-building games like What Time Is It Mr. Wolf, Ski Ballet and Chase the Rabbit to adventures to Gut Flop, Woolsey Woods, Sam the Truck and Nose Dive, these youngsters are building a strong foundation in fundamental Nordic movement.
Teewinot Teams have completed four weeks of programming and in that short time they have amassed a solid base for exploring nearly all of Trail Creek’s network of trails. Coaches are both impressed and excited to witness the endurance and coordination in these developing athletes.
Looking ahead to February, our teams turn their focus to F-U-N. From powder skiing, scavenger hunts, and Yeti hunts to BB gun biathlon and donut relays, there is a lot of fun ahead for the Teewinot Teams.
We are grateful for the energy and fun that coaches bring every week and, of course, the boundless energy of so many intrepid young Nordies!
Libby & Kirsys
The Devos have been working hard at completing the double pole challenge up fence line and honing their skate skills in preparation for the Moose Chase.
Most recently they embarked on a slushy scavenger hunt around Trail Creek, looking for natural objects, completing team tasks and even writing short stories (you can find their stories in the TC Cabin on the cork board). January’s value of the month, teamwork, really came through in action!
Kaya Morelli
Head Devo Coach
Junior Team
Over the past month, our athletes have been giving it their all on the race course and during practice! We had a great showing at the Teton Ridge Classic (TRC) in Victor, followed by a strong performance at the IMD Qualifier in Soldier Hollow. Everyone put in their best effort and delivered fantastic results—we are proud of each and every skier!
Highlights from Soldier Hollow:
- Olin Hugo won the classic race, showing incredible strength and technique and placed in the top 3 in the skate sprint final.
- Atten Aaronowitz placed 2x in the top 10 in a highly competitive U14 field—an impressive achievement!
- Annika Stanley finished top 3 in U12, proving that our younger athletes are coming up strong.
Across all age groups, our skiers looked awesome, and we continue to see promise and progression throughout the program. We acknowledge everyone for racing at a high level and representing JHSC with determination, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
- Next Up: West Yellowstone IMD Race (Early February!)
We are gearing up for another exciting competition.
A huge thank you to our dedicated groomers, volunteers, and families for supporting the Junior Nordic program. Your efforts help make these opportunities possible for our athletes!
See you on the trails!
Coach George & the Junior Nordic Team
The Ositos have been getting after the hills and onto skate skis. We have been tackling Son of Gut Flop, ripping laps on Nordic X, and playing lots of Sharks and Minnows. It’s awesome to see the enthusiasm from the kids and their bravery in trying the jumps, steep hills, and slippery skate skis. We are hoping several Ositos will join the Moose Chase next week!
Kaya Morelli
Head Ositos Coach
Prep/Comp Team
January has been a good month for the Prep/Comp skiers. We began the New Year with lots of solid training at Trail Creek, enjoying the new snow and logging hours of training to improve ski specific strength, technique, and speed.
Early in January, a group of our team went to the Mike Harris trails for the Teton Ridge Classic to sharpen their race skills before the first big race of the year. Even coach/Program Director Will put on a bib in the 28k!
We kicked off the core of our race season at the Super Qualifier at Soldier Hollow, UT. Athletes raced against teams all across the west, as well as western college teams. This was a huge event with hundreds of racers, and JHSC athletes stepped up to the challenge. Races were a skate sprint and a classic interval start distance. JHSC racers demonstrated toughness and strength in these races and are set up well for the next JNQs.
Following the first race weekend of the year we had a break in the race schedule, which has allowed us to continue to train and build our skills before the next JNQ. The conditions in January have been excellent for Nordic skiing, with firm tracks and sunny skies.
Next up is a weekend of racing in West Yellowstone, MT, the second Junior National Qualifier of the year. Races will be skate and classic distance. The team is excited to get back to racing!
Luna Wasson
Head Coach and Nordic Program Director
Nordic Masters
The JHSC Recreational Masters team had a great January, skiing Teton Pines and Trail Creek. Skiers practiced fundamentals at Teton Pines, played games, and did some distance skiing. At Trail Creek we practiced our hill techniques and refreshed our knowledge of the different gears for skate skiing. Skiers also explored the terrain in the woods and skied out to Sam the Truck. So far this year, beautiful sunny days have been the norm for our sessions; hopefully that will change this week.
The midday team is wrapping up practice in early February, but the master's crew will continue to offer parent clinics at 4:00 on some Wednesdays. These short clinics cover technique, equipment, waxing, and any other questions that are holding back your Nordic skiing. Look for an announcement about new dates in the upcoming weeks.
Rob Murphy
Nordic Masters Head Coach
If you have been following the escapades of our Nordic racers, you have surely noticed some fine performances by a young man who has been working really hard for some time at going fast on skis. Nate Streubel has been on fire this year and is our featured athlete this month. Read on to get to know him a little better.
Nate, do you remember when you started skiing?
I remember first starting skiing when I was 5 years old.
Do your mom and dad Nordic ski?
Yes they both are very into Nordic skiing.
Assuming you can beat them, do you remember how old you were the first time you beat your mom or your dad in a race?
I first beat my dad in a race when I was 12 years old. It was a very special day!
At what age did you start skiing with the Jackson Hole Ski Club program?
I started skiing for the Jackson Hole Ski Club when I was 14 years old.
What school do you go to and what grade are you in now?
I go to the Jackson Hole Community School and I am a senior.
What are your Nordic goals for this year?
One of my biggest goals is to podium at Junior Nationals at the end of this year. I also have a goal of making some Norwegian friends when I go to Norway in February!
What has been the high point of your year so far?
My high point of my year so far was qualifying to represent the USA in Gjøvik, Norway. This has been a big goal of mine and all of my training year round with the Jackson Hole Ski Club has really paid off.
Have you ever been to Nationals before and is that one of your goals this year?
Yes, this year will be my 4th year qualifying for nationals and it has always been a goal of mine to qualify and perform well.
What are your college and career plans after high school?
After high school I am going to ski for the University of New Hampshire. I am very excited to keep pursuing my career at UNH as well as getting a good education. I am planning on majoring in environmental science.
Are you planning on participating in Nordic skiing or other athletics in college?
Yes, I will continue to Nordic ski for the University of New Hampshire, and I hope to also play some intramural sports such as soccer.
What is your favorite memory of skiing for JHSC or at Trail Creek?
My favorite memory skiing at Trail Creek was this one day where Trail Creek got dumped on with snow with close to two feet of snow. Even the groomed track was covered in deep powder. My friends and I during practice just went up and down Gut Flop over and over and kept face planting because the snow was so deep. We would go into deep tucks and the snow would spray up in our face. It was a blast!
What has been the biggest challenge of your Nordic skiing experiences so far?
My biggest challenge with my Nordic Skiing experiences so far has been missing a lot of school because of races and training camps. It has often been hard for me to stay on top of my school work while gone on ski trips. One other challenge that I’ve faced is sometimes having a lack of motivation especially during the end of fall when I’m so ready to get on snow. I however always feel better about myself and have a good time showing up to practice on the days that I don’t always have the most motivation.
In a decade from now do you see yourself living in a place where you can Nordic ski?
Yes, I definitely see myself living in a place where I can Nordic ski a decade from now. Nordic is a great lifelong sport that will hopefully keep me active as I get older.
Any other thoughts you would like to share with the Nordic community?
Make sure to enjoy your time on the Ski Club because it sure does fly by and so many of my best memories have been with the Ski Club!
It sounds like you’ve been having a fantastic year, Nate! Best wishes for Norway, Junior Nationals, and skiing into the future in New Hampshire and beyond. Thanks so much for being our featured athlete this month!
January has been a very busy racing month for IMD, High School, and citizen racing. The month began with US Nordic Nationals in Anchorage, where Coach Luna took a small crew that put in some fantastic results. Our Prep/Comp team and most Juniors then headed off to Soldier Hollow for the first IMD Junior National Qualifier of the year with results being posted here.
High school racers haven’t been letting dust settle on their skis either, with a meet January 3rd and 4th in Pinedale, the first ever race at Sheridan January 10th and 11th in the Bighorns, and a meet in Lander on January 24th and 25th. The results are available on this website.
Regional citizen Nordic races included the Teton Ridge Classic and the Pinedale Stampede.
Lots of racing for our local Nordic skiers!
It has been feast or famine in the snow department at Trail Creek so far this season. After a slow start, with barely enough to host the IMD Opener in December, the snow began to fall on the last day of the race and kept going steadily well into January. Then skies turned sunny, temps got a bit cooler, and there were weeks of very little snow. Thankfully, the weak winter sun and cool temps kept the snow working well for our skiers. February has kicked off with snowflakes falling in earnest and more in the forecast.
All the JHSC programs have been on the snow this month, which means afternoons, especially Mondays and Wednesdays, have been very busy. There has also been a good crowd of skiers from the community on many days, as evidenced by lots of tracks.
If you really do not like skiing in moose tracks, then this winter has been to your liking, as the local moose population is somewhat lower than in the past. While tracks can be found most days, the density is definitely less, and sightings have been fewer. The resident elk herd has returned again this winter, although their numbers seem to be down a bit from last year. Most of their forays onto our trails are at night, so sightings of them are quite rare.
Although moose and elk numbers are down, it seems that the squirrel population is on a high part of their cycle, with lots of sightings, including one rascal that has taken a liking to our chickadee feeder. Foxes and coyotes have been sighted numerous times as well.
There is still racing ahead, with the Skinny Skis Moose Chase Nordic Ski Race on February 15th and the International Spring Series Race at the end of March. Be sure to get your registration in for the Moose Chase. It should be a great Nordic day!
February started off with the Boulder Mountain Tour in Idaho on February 1st. Citizen racing continues with the Moose Chase here at Trail Creek February 15th. The American Birkebeiner is February 22nd in Wisconsin, an event which usually draws a number of local skiers in addition to the tens of thousands of skiers from around the world.
IMD racing continues with the third and final qualifier in Sun Valley, Idaho February 22nd and 23rd. IMD younger skiers will be able to have a fantastic time at the Intermountain Youth Championships in Victor, Idaho March 1st and 2nd, and then our fastest skiers will be back at Soldier Hollow for Junior Nationals March 8-14.
There is no lack of opportunity to ski or spectate in the busy month ahead, so get those skis waxed and be ready to keep on skiing! Click here or on the image below to go to the full calendar, complete with clickable links.
Thanks so much to the skiers and sponsors who make this all possible, with an extra special thanks to our season pass holders! If you know someone who likes to Nordic ski, encourage them to become members or to pay the day pass, either online or placing check or cash in the money box.
Thanks so much to the skiers and sponsors who make this all possible, with an extra special thanks to our season pass holders: David Adams, the Bitzer Family, the Brigham Family, Lori Cahn, Patricia Campbell, John and Nancy Lee Clegg, Broughton Coburn, the Curtis-Randol Family, the Curtis-Adams Family, Pam Cutler, Jake Elkins, Tirzah Ellis, Lori Fields, Kylie Fletcher, Bob Gordon, the Gotham Family, the Gross Family, Martin Hagen, the Halaby Family, Francesca Hammer, Ann Harvey, Tilly Hoath, Cynthia Hogan, Katy Hollbacher, Laurie Huff, Maggie Hunt and family, Nancy Johnstone, Pete Karns, Jessi Knori, Stephen Koch, Maddie Krasula, Ted Larsen, Adam Loo, the MacWilliams Family, Virginia Mahood, Ann Makley, Kelly Milligan, the Muromcew Family, Rob Murphy, the Newcomb Household, the O’Brien Family, the Ohmart Family, Cypress Ohmart, Jacqueline Oldham, William Oliphant, the Olsson Family, Chris Peck, the Sehnert Family, Emiline Shuptrine, the Spangler/Yeo Family, Angus Spankie, the Springer Family, Carson Stanwood, the Stiles Family, the Thal Family, the Thomas-White Family, the Trenton Family, Brian VanHatten, Allison VonMaur, Stori Weenig, Malcolm Welch, the Wheeler Family, Erich Wilbrecht, Pete Wiswell, and Sita Jo Yeomans.
Thanks to our amazing staff! Will Wicherski, Luna Wasson, Jon Filardo, Ben Morley, George Cartwright, Kaya Morelli. Adam Meyer, Johnny Springer, Christian Otto, Matt Wiseman, Charlotte Cadow, Tyra (JT) Wynn, Annabel Hagen, Megan Tattersall, Miles Yazzolino, Libby Hall, Kirsys Campbell, Adam Fabrikant, Ezra Smith, Trisha Mayers, Lizzie Johnson, Sevi Hagen, Adam Meyer, Stephanie Thomas, Amelia Mayer, Bill Mayer, Andie Cornish, Elena Breed, Rob Murphy, Scott Horn, Brent Peacock, Nancy Leon, Chloe Stines, Dori Sinclair, Axel Klomparens, Andie Cornish, Elsie Hall, and Sydney Wilmot.
Thank you to the multitude of youth athletes, whose dedication and support make this program possible, and for whom this program is designed!
A special thanks to Jackson Hole Nordic for being a strong supporter of our programs.