February 6th Grooming Report--Working on the Moose Chase Course!

February 6th Grooming Report

Working on the Moose Chase Course!

One week from Saturday is the legendary Skinny Skis Moose Chase Race here at Trail Creek!  The time has come to focus grooming on the course shown in the image above. 

The mini spring that we’ve been enjoying the past few days has cycled back into winter like conditions today at Trail Creek.  The recent warmth and rain has left the trails with some hard and icy conditions.  However the Husky was able to grind and blade the consolidated snow into some pretty good ski conditions.  Classic skiers will note a few hiccups in the classic tracks today, some tracks are quite shallow and in a few places the tiller had a hard time breaking up the icy snow, however most tracks should work well and skate lanes came through very firm and relatively fast.  While classic skiing will be ok, if you’re hesitating on which technique today, skating would be the best choice.

Today’s grooming route made two passes of the Moose chase course with a fresh classic track in most places and then lots of additional grooming in the Close field.  Thanks to Coach Libby for her recent photo contributions, the one above is a Teewinot skier tunnel.  Friday will be a quiet day at Trail Creek as Prep, Comp, and Junior skiers are off to the IMD Qualifier at West Yellowstone.

Groomer’s choice for today is to find the snowman waiting to serenade you on the Moose Chase course.