February 27th Grooming Report
Don’t Forget the Sunscreen!
The glorious Wyoming cerulean blue sky is in full force today at Trail Creek! It’s a great day for a Nordic ski; just don’t forget your sunscreen. Looking ahead at the forecast, it appears as if a very warm weekend is headed our way with temps reaching well into the 40’s. Night time temperatures will be dropping below freezing which will usher in the official beginning of the crust cruising season.
The image below, while showing a lot of snow, if you look closely, you’ll see some impressive crust cruising tracks from this morning in the East Fields.
Today’s Husky grooming began in the woods with a pass on every trail. Most of this journey was a mixed pass with some sections focusing on classic tracks and some on skate lanes depending on the greatest need. Homeward Bound, Outward Bound, and Moose Loop received multiple passes. Grooming then shifted to the scorchingly sunny fields with multiple passes and fresh classic tracks everywhere. As of report time the temperature has warmed to 27º with calm conditions.
The weekend ahead is a busy one in the Nordic world with hundreds of skiers descending upon Mike Harris in Idaho for the Intermountain Youth Championships Saturday and Sunday and the Wyoming High School Nordic Championships at Happy Jack Nordic area near Laramie. Great opportunities to cure your valley fever if you’re in the mood for a road trip.
Groomer’s choice for today is to sunscreen and still get a tan in the fields.