February 12th Grooming Report
Diamond Dust!
According to Wikipedia, diamond dust is a ground-level cloud composed of tiny ice crystals and that, in a nutshell, is what we have today at Trail Creek. You can barely see the sun, you have the faintest of shadows, and the Trail Creek Ranch which is normally easy to see, is a bit on the blurry side. This is kind of an interesting phenomenon, probably a result of the temperature being a bit on the cool side this morning.
Never fear, as of report time the temperature is up to a skiable 2º F and on top of that, you’ll discover lots of fresh Husky grooming today. Even the Husky was a bit reluctant to venture out today, but after a few minutes of warming up, was raring and ready to do its job. That job today began with a journey through the woods with today’s focus being to ensure that trails were plenty wide for the upcoming Moose Chase. You might find a few locations where the classic tracks were washed out, but mostly remain and are in nice shape. Woolsey Woods, Moose Poop, and Animal Farm received multiple passes. Classic tracks were reset where needed.
The fields then received multiple passes with most classic tracks being reset. The Nordic X course received attention as well as all the inner loops used for practices on busy days like today.
The Moose Chase is only three days away, be sure to get your registration in so you can participate in this epic Jackson Hole Nordic event! A full size map can be viewed here.
Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.