21/22 Registration is open!
Registration is open for all levels of JHSC programming. If you are a parent and wish to have your children in JHSC Nordic programming this winter, make sure to register soon! We recommend Lollipoppers for K-1st graders, Teewinots for 2nd-3rd graders, Development for 4th-5th graders, Juniors for 6th-8th graders, and Prep/Comp for 9th-12th grade. However, athlete commitment and capability can cause these guidelines to be slightly different, if you have any questions about registration contact program director Will Wicherski (wwicherski@jhskiclub.org). Register at this link! We have limited capacity in our programs so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Summer Training
Your favorite blue nordic team has been training huge this summer putting in the hard miles! While it may seem like winter will never come again after a seemingly endless sequence of sunny 85 degree days with smoky skies, now is the time that nordic skiers are made. JHSC Nordic athletes fully understand this, and they have been showing up in force to train hard. We have been strength training, running, bounding, skiwalking, double-poling, skate rollerskiing, mountain biking, cliff jumping, and trail hiking all summer long and the athletes have been making huge progress! We have been hiking mountains around Jackson Hole every Friday this summer and the athletes have summited Taylor, Jackson Peak, The Sleeping Indian, Cream Puff Peak (almost), JHMR, and others! Other good workouts have been double-poling on classic rollerskis from Jenny Lake to Jackson, skate rollerski intervals up the Old Pass Road on Teton Pass, bounding up Snow King, and everything in between. Nordic skiing is all about hard work and commitment, and based on what I have seen from these athletes this summer we will have a banner race season!

Regional Elite Camps
Although national-level camps are on hold this summer due to COVID, regional elite camps for the Western US are still taking place this summer. FIVE JHSC athletes have qualified for these regional elite camps including Western U16 Camp and the USST Regional Elite Group camp for U18/U20s. Mason Wheeler, Natalie O'Brien, and Kate Brigham qualified for REG which took place in Park City this summer. They spent a week training hard and absorbing valuable insight and advice from US Ski Team coaches, other strong coaches, and the other athletes at the camp. Aurora Stiles and Peter Warner have qualified for the Western U16 elite group camp due to their strong results this past winter. This camp will take place in Sun Valley from August 9-14th this year! Huge congratulations to these athletes for their acheivements, it is great to have JHSC representation at the highest levels!

Summer Racing
Putting on a bib and racing in the summer is a great way to maintain contact with the mental, physical, and psychological aspects of endurance racing. We have seen athletes compete in multiple local summer races inluding the Casper Mountain Rollerski Hillclimb, the Cache-Game Running race, and the Rendezvous Mountain Hillclimb. We saw many JHSC athletes participate in the Rendezvous Hillclimb this year including Lena and Hayden Poduska, Peter Warner, Elsie Hall, Natalie O'Brien, Mason Wheeler, and Nate Streubel. Elsie was 4th Female overall and Peter was 10th Male overall, with many other fantastic performances by JHSC athletes. Results can be found here.
Notable Dates
August 9-14: Darby Training Camp
September 25: JHSC Black Tie, Blue Jeans Ski Ball
October 16: JHSC Ski Swap
October 22-24: IMD Fall Fest in Park City
October 30: JHSC Nordic Fall Kick Off & Trail Creek Cleanup