It looks like on a second week in November we will have great temperatures for snow making. We need 7-10 days of good temperatures to make enough snow to open for training. We are hoping that we could be training at Snow King right around Thanksgiving.
Please check weekly emails from coaches for updates.
Covid Update
We had some Covid cases among athletes in October and we believe we prevent the spread at dryland. We are still learning every day and we believe we have good protocols in place and are on a good path to keep athletes safe.
At trainings we will keep reinforcing wearing face coverings, social distancing, washing hands, etc.
Colorado Camp:
We have 35 U16 and FIS athletes and 4 coaches participating in JHSC Fall Colorado Camp. Due to no snow, we had to cancel our U14 camp at Loveland.
U16 and FIS athletes will be skiing from Nov 7th to 15th. Athletes are free skiing, doing drills and skiing GS and SL courses at Copper. This is very important camp to make sure athletes are ready for the start of the season.
We have over 100 athletes from U10, U12, U14, U16 and FIS teams coming to dryland. Athletes are having fun and they are working on physical conditioning, coordination, balance, etc. We will continue with conditioning until Snow King opens for training.
Important October-November Dates
11/1-6 - FIS Extra week Colorado Camp (First day on snow is Nov 1st)
11/5 at 7pm - 2 Day Team Virtual Meeting (Link to follow)
11/7-15 - FIS, U16, U14 Colorado Ski Camp (First day on snow is Nov 7th)
11/25 - Snow King opens for training (Snow/Weather conditions permitting)
12/3 at 7pm - NGS Team Virtual Meeting (Link to follow)
For volunteering opportunities go to:
Gate judge video:
For Alpine racing Gate judge is the most needed volunteer position. Please look at this video for duties of Gate Judge:
2020/21 Volunteer opportunities:
Opportunities to volunteer for JHSC Alpine program are here:
- 12/17-22 Western Region FIS Open Tech Series / Snow King
- 12/26 Club Series - Caroline Classic (Local GS race for U14 and younger athletes) / Snow King
- 1/2-5 USSA IMD Sean Nurse Memorial / Snow King
- 1/14-17 USSA IMD Wes Barron Speed Series ( 4 days of SG for 13 years and older - both genders) / JHMR
- 1/19-24 WR FIS Elite Series / Snow King
- 2/20 Club Series - Parent/Athlete Dual SL (Local race for U14 and younger athletes) / Snow King
- 2/27-28 USSA IMD North Series Paneled SL / Snow King
- 3/12-14 Jackson Downhill (3 days of local DH racing) - JHMR
- 3/17-22 USSA IMD U14 Champs / JHMR
- Volunteer sign up page will be up on the second week in November
Important Alpine program email addresses:
Alpine Program Director - Branko Zagar @
FIS - Seppi Stiegler @
U16 - Ned Lazarevic @
U14 - Al Clausen @
U12 - Lexie Drechsel @
U10 - Matt Beauregard @
2Day - Nate Goss-Woliner @
NGS - Tobi Koekkoek @
Quote of the month
Student Athlete Support
Please read this month's Student-Athlete Support Program update. This information is relevant to all JHSC athletes: