February 5th Grooming Report
The Top of Grunt!
Climbing Grunt is a piece of cake for these energetic Devos, they’ve surely done it a thousand times in their careers (Devos are usually fourth and fifth graders), but it’s still always an accomplishment to make it to the top of Grunt! Thanks Coach Kaya for the great pictures.
There are lots of things to talk about today at Trail Creek. The Moose Chase is just a little over a week away and word has it that volunteers are still needed. You can volunteer or register by clicking on the link above.
The best description of the weather as of late is wild. Yesterday temps reached up to near 50º which resulted in some spring like corn conditions. Areas that received heavy skier traffic yesterday were more or less shredded. Overnight rain fell but as the morning progressed; the precip has turned into intermittent snow squalls with some occasionally raging winds. Never fear, the Husky has been making the rounds today and there is still plenty of great skiing at Trail Creek.
Most every trail received at least a single pass with multiple passes on Moose Poop, Grunt, Outward and Homeward Bound and the fields. Classic tracks were set everywhere today although the ones in the fields probably won’t last long due to the winds and drifting. The soft snow mostly groomed really well and today your best bet for that great ski would probably be in the woods.
Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Poop.