February 2nd Grooming Report--Gloriously Rustic and Happy Groundhog Day!

February 2nd Grooming Report

Gloriously Rustic and Happy Groundhog Day!

More than a foot of heavy wet snow has descended upon Trail Creek in the past 24 hours.  Throughout most of the morning, snowfall has mostly been heavy, at times so heavy that the corduroy would disappear in a lap around the Close Field.  Needless to say, conditions are quite soft, but with the conifer boughs drooping under the heavy white load, very beautiful.

Today’s grooming began with a Husky lap of the woods.  Once again, there was sufficient snow to be able to focus on leveling canted trails.  The pass included a fresh classic track along the way.  The snow was deep enough to be falling back on the trail a little bit and conditions are as mentioned above, somewhat rustic.  The fields received multiple passes and were in pretty good shape as grooming wrapped up for the morning.  If the snow tapers off, skating should be reasonable throughout the day.

Today is Groundhog Day and even though our local similar species, the marmot would not have seen his shadow today if he would have been dragged from his winter sleep, it’s a pretty safe bet that we will have at least six more weeks of winter.  We did have a squirrel sniffing around the chickadee feeder today; hopefully he doesn’t become a problem.

Groomer’s choice for today is the most recently groomed fields.