January 23rd Grooming Report--Horse and Carriage!

January 23rd Grooming Report

Horse and Carriage!

The Teewinots were hard at it yesterday, the venue du jour being horse and carriage.  The carriage seems to be thoroughly enjoying this fun way to learn Nordic skills.  Thanks to Coach Trish for taking the pictures! 

The trails were definitely busy yesterday with almost every JHSC program on snow, in addition, the Colter Winter Sports skiers were also enjoying some snow time yesterday.

There’s plenty of snow for you today if you want to take a Nordic ski.  The Husky has been hard at it today, covering pretty much every trail with fresh grooming.  The fields, Moose Loop, and Animal Farm received multiple passes while most everything else received a single skate/classic pass.  The classic tracks did drift in a bit yesterday so they were mostly reset today.  The snow was pretty cold this morning, the grouser tracks were showing through in quite a few places, but conditions are warming nicely, the sun is brilliant today, and skiing should work well.

Groomer’s choice for today is Animal Farm.