January 4th Grooming Report--Nordic is Fun!

January 4th Grooming Report

Nordic is Fun!

Thanks to Coach George for sending in an image of one of the Junior Team skiers having a great time skiing in the woods at Trail Creek, you too can have a fun Nordic ski today at Trail Creek as well.  If you make it out, what you will discover is that the Husky was once again hard at work, covering nearly every trail.  The fields and Woolsey Woods received multiple passes with fresh classic tracks while everything else received a single skate/classic pass.

The trail sections in the open terrain did get a bit crunchy overnight, but after a few passes groomed up pretty well and the woods trails, being insulated by the trees, didn’t get quite as crunchy allowing one pass to smooth things out nicely,

Racing continues today in Alaska, thanks to Coach Luna for sending in a report yesterday:


Hello from Anchorage, AK! I'm here with five Comp Team athletes who are racing at US Nationals this week. Tomorrow is the Classic sprint, follow along with the live stream/live timing to support Abby, Lena, Colton, Sam & Nate!

 Live stream

Live timing

 The elk have been pretty busy lately on the trails and a cow and calf moose were in the Armin’s area munching on some aspens earlier today.

Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.