Concussion Policy
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Concussions can also occur from a fall or a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. Doctors may describe a concussion as a “mild” brain injury because concussions are usually not life-threatening. Even so, their effects can be serious.
JHSC requires all student-athletes U14 and older (YOB 2012 and earlier)—and strongly recommends for all athletes—to participate in an approved pre-concussion baseline assessment prior to on-snow training each season. Most test systems' baseline results are good for one year, so while most athletes test in the Fall, test results from Spring and Summer for those athletes in year-round programs suffice for the Winter season.
Fall 2024: Baseline Concussion Testing
If your athlete has already completed a baseline test through TCSD or elsewhere, please enter that information into this form no later than Monday, October 2. Your child does NOT need to test again with the Club.
If your athlete has not taken a test, JHSC will provide them with an ImPACT at-home baseline test code in mid-September:
The test is taken entirely online (on a desktop or laptop computer, or a tablet) and takes 20-25 minutes. Program Directors, coaches, and the SAS Director will have access to these results.
To begin the test:
-- Visit impacttestonline.com/htmllauncher/
(Please note that you must disable popup blockers for the test to launch)
-- Enter the JHSC customer code to begin a test: 6THZM1ZJCU
-- When you complete a test, the results are automatically uploaded into JHSC’s admin account. You may save a copy for yourself (recommended) but do not need to share anything with JHSC.
If you have any questions about JHSC Concussion Policy or baseline test requirements (or if you are an athlete born after 2012 and would like to receive a test code to take the ImPACT Baseline Test), or desire further information about Concussion information and resources, please contact the JHSC Student-Athlete Success Director.
If injured:
JHSC Injury Procedures for parents
24-25 Watershed Concussion Health Care Provider List
Concussion 101 (from ImPACT): An education guide to understanding Concussion Symptoms, Signs, Treatment, and Rehab
Youth Concussion Information (from Watershed Jackson): Signs, Symptoms, and Information about Concussions
General information:
Return to Activity Strategy (from ImPACT): A flowchart representing the protocol for progression from injury/concussion to return to participation
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