Prep/Comp Team Update
With another summer training in the books, the Prep and Comp team at at large logged 81 training sessions and 130 hours of training all packed into three months. A special shout out goes out to the athletes that made it to 50 or more training sessions from the end of May up until August 25th. Aurora Stiles , Birch Klomparens , Bridger Stiles- Natalie O'Brien-, Des Concannon-, Will Johnson , Kate Brigham, Sydney Wilmot, and Josh Roubin all exceeded the 50 training benchmark. The top three attendees came in at 80 training sessions (Aurora Stiles), 79 (Birch Klomparens), and Bridger Stiles (75).
As the team transitions into the fall training period and into the school year, training volume will decrease and the workouts will introduce more ski specific and explosive plyometrics exercises, slightly higher intensity intervals, and continued technical work on skate and classic roller skis. The team is also moving onto the period 4 strength routine, emphasizing low intensity power lifting technique, medium volume, low mental energy demands and focusing on fundamentals for jumping and landing, balance, body control and coordination. There are 6 periods of general strength training that start at the beginning of the summer and run up to the start of the West Yellowstone November camp. Some notable workouts that the team will prepare for throughout the fall on are all of the tests in the test week, the flat creek 5km skate time trial.
Important Upcoming Dates
Team meeting dates are set for the Development, Junior, Prep and Comp teams. Each team will meet as a group (Coaches, Parents, and Athletes) prior to the ski season to discuss the training schedule, equipment, the race calendar and more. The meetings will take place at the King's Grill at the base of Raferty at 6 p.m. The Prep/Comp team will meet on October 8th, the Junior team on October 9th, and the Development team on October 11th. Teewinot and Lollipopper team meetings will be held in December, exact date TBD, at the Trail Creek Cabin.
We are tentatively scheduling a program wide gathering/BBQ on October 15th, location TBD. This will be a casual get together and allow for an opportunity for athletes, coaches and parents to get to know each other. This will time will also act as an Nordic Program internal gear swap. Stay tuned for details in the next monthly newsletter.\
Other Dates
- JHSC Ski Swap- October 19
- Skinny Skis Team Discount Night - October 22
Development & Junior Dry-land Training
The Development team and Junior team will begin dry-land the week of October 14th. Both teams are designed to provide progressive training and new challenges for returning athletes, but also welcome newcomers to the sport. If you have questions about which team will best suits your kiddo, check out the Development Team Page, Junior Team Page, Nordic Program Manual, or contact Nordic Program Director Ben Morley- or Nordic Programs Development Manager Bria Riggs - Since registration has opened, retention has been strong and we have seen a lot of interest from newcomers. To register now go to
Nordic Coaching Staff
We are happy to have all of our head coaches back and a handful of assistant coaches back for another season. Continuity in the coaching staff is incredibly valuable as the coach, athlete, and parent relationships develop over the years. Our goal is goal is to move forward with a consistent and reliable message and provide a dependable program that the community rely on. The coaches play the largest role in delivering on all of those fronts; so thanks a million to the coaching staff's commitment to the program over the years. As the program grows and as we continue to raise the bar of quality coaching, we are looking to hire a handful of assistant coaches. If you are interested or know of someone interested, please have them contact Nordic Program Director Ben Morley - We are currently seeking Development, Teewinot, and Junior Coaches.

Program Director/Head Coach
Prep/Comp Coach
Junior Head Coach
Development Head Coach

Prep/Comp Coach
Development Programs Manager
Teewinot Head Coach
Kathy Neiley. Head Lolli Coach
Moose Chase Update