March 2nd Grooming Report--Splendiferously Brilliant Day!

March 2nd Grooming Report

Splendiferously Brilliant Day!

Our streak of bluebird days continues with another nearly ultramarine blue sky today at Trail Creek.  After a brisk near zero start the temps are rapidly heading towards freezing, giving us a wonderful opportunity for taking a great Nordic ski.

Except for a smidge too much snow now and then, this winter has been close to Nordic Nirvana with steady not too cold but not above freezing temperatures, however, spring is in the air with temps forecast to climb into the 40’s later in the week.  The arrival of warm spring weather makes for sometimes hugely variable skiing conditions throughout the day so keep your eye on the thermometer and watch for your favorite ski.

Touching on the schedule this week, there is a Master’s Classic Skiing Clinic here at Trail Creek at Thursday at 11 AM.  All the information is available on the JH Nordic Event Page.  Wednesday will be a very busy practice day and Saturday and Sunday will be very busy race days in the fields.

Today’s grooming focused mainly on the woods trails with a total rework of classic tracks and skate lanes with the results being really nice conditions.  Keep your eyes open for some new routing in the Armin’s section.  The close field also received substantial grooming with the spaghetti bowl arrangement of trails being prepped for the weekend’s races.  The East Fields are in good shape from yesterday’s grooming.  There was some amazing frost this morning.

Groomer’s choice for today is a long tour through the woods.