March 23rd Grooming Report--14 Moose!

March 23rd Grooming Report

14 Moose!

While they couldn’t all be convinced to line up for a photo tonight, a record breaking fourteen moose were hanging out in Woolsey Woods during this evening’s grooming.  The picture is a little blurry but you can see ears back which is a sign that they have been hanging out at Trail Creek for plenty of time this winter and are ready for some fresh pastures.  One bull in particular was picking on everybody tonight.

On the topic of grooming, things went really well in this evening’s grooming.  Again the perimeter of the fields and the major woods trails received double Pisten Bully passes.  The snow while soft, is holding up nicely so that the tracks on the Pisten Bully aren’t cutting in like they do in some really soft situations.  However the classic track setter was able to lay in some really sharp classic tracks.

The close woods do have some heavy wildlife impact but the fields, Moose Loop, Armins, and the National Forest Trails will ski just the way you like tomorrow if you can find the right time to be there.  Look for the next grooming Monday evening.

Groomer’s choice is to watch out for that ornery bull.