March 12th Grooming Report-National Sit at Your Desk and Watch Nordic Videos Week!

March 12th Grooming Report

National Sit at Your Desk and Watch Nordic Videos Week!

Click on any of the images below and you will be directed to either the USCSA race here or one of two feeds to the Junior Nordic National Nordic Championships.  Collegiate racers from around the country will be racing at Trail Creek while our very own JHSC skiers will be competing with hundreds of other high school age racers in Alaska at the Junior Nordic National Championships.  What better excuse to sit at your desk and watch videos?  Racing times are 10 AM at Trail Creek and probably around noon mountain time in Alaska.

The stadium is set and ready to go at Trail Creek; USCSA’s blow up banner is quite impressive.  Grooming in the past 24 hours was done mostly last night and  has been today’s USCSA race course, the East Fields, and the Sandbag Final course also received a best line skate pass.

Looking ahead, this evening’s grooming will focus on the fields in preparation for tomorrow’s races.  An inch of snow is forecast for the next 24 hours and Thursday is a practice day for the USCSA racers so after tonight the next tentative grooming will be early Thursday morning on all courses with additional grooming Thursday night.

Groomer’s choice for today is to watch some races.