January 7th Grooming Report
Glorious Sunshine!
While we Nordic skiers love a steady supply of new snow to freshen our trails, sometimes it’s invigorating to have some brilliant sunshine to lift the spirits and allow one to fully embrace the wonder of winter. Today at Trail Creek, not only did we get an inch or two of fresh snow overnight, today the trails are basking in some glorious sunshine as well, perhaps the best of both worlds!
There was a lot for the Husky to do today as the literally hundreds of JHSC youth skiers yesterday made lots of tracks all over the place, especially in the fields. The fresh snow however allowed the Husky to do a good job of bringing everything back to new. Multiple passes through the fields with fresh classic tracks and a single skate/classic pass through most woods trails produced very favorable results.
Also the Husky managed to find time to whack in a couple of newly groomed minor trails today. As of report time the temp was approaching 20ºF with calm winds; nearly perfect Nordic conditions!
Groomer’s choice for today is to try something new, but don’t forget the sunscreen.