January 4th Grooming Report--Plenty to Do!

January 4th Grooming Report

Plenty to Do!

A whole lot more snow than was expected fell overnight with about 6 inches covering the trails at Trail Creek.  This abundance of glorious white stuff did require the utilization of the roller for initial grooming passes this morning although the Ginzu groomer was called to duty for the finishing touches.  What happened was that all trails except for the National Forest received double roller passes then the Ginzu placed a quite nice classic track throughout the network.  Finally the Ginzu did additional skate grooming throughout the fields. 

You’ll find over 10 K of nice classic tracks and skate lanes today although it will be a bit on the soft side.  Forecasts call for a big dump tonight so anticipate additional rolling Tuesday morning.

Forecasts also call for the Pisten Bully to be returned to service by Tuesday afternoon so hopefully by Wednesday catching up and really tip top skiing should be in order.  Don’t forget that part of the trails will be closed Friday and Saturday for our next race.  The race course map will be posted tomorrow.

Groomer’s choice for today is to enjoy all the recent snowy bounty in the fields.