January 3rd Grooming Report
Exciting News from Alaska!
Currently the SuperTour #2- U.S. National Championships at Kincaid Park in Anchorage, Alaska is ongoing and a small group of our IMD skiers are up there giving it their all. While there have been lots of great finishes, of note is that Lena Poduska finished first in the U18 female division yesterday, way to go Lena and all the rest of the JHSC racers! Results are available at this link and you can even catch the livestream (screen capture above) at the event web page.
Two thousand and four miles to the southeast and 38ºF warmer, there is plenty of skiing at Trail Creek as well. As of report time, the temperature in Anchorage was -2º F while the cabin was 36º F. While there were reports of rain in town overnight, the snow line was just below Trail Creek with 3 inches of very heavy snow falling at the cabin, trending to 5 inches of somewhat lighter snow at the upper ends of the trails.
The snow was a bit challenging today, however, the Husky all in all made quick work of it. The Close Field received multiple passes with fresh classic tracks while pretty much every other trail received a skate/classic pass. The snow, while very heavy, has set up nicely, and should ski pretty well today.
Groomer’s choice for today is Black Hole in the cooler upper area.