January 2nd Grooming Report It Looks Like Winter!

January 2nd Grooming Report

It Looks Like Winter!

Another 6+ inches blanketed the trails of Trail Creek overnight; when you look across our landscape, it really looks like winter.  It was slightly less than three weeks ago when we were prepping for the IMD Opener/Betty Woolsey and were scratching for snow, what a difference a few weeks and some major snow storms can make!

You can take advantage of all of our recent crystalline bounty if you come on out to Trail Creek today for a great Nordic ski.  The plan this morning when conditions were calm was to groom out the fields, giving them time to set up and then proceed into the woods.  This worked fine except for the fact that the wind has picked up a bit since grooming commenced.

The Husky made multiple passes through most trails in the fields with fresh classic tracks this morning then proceeded to place a single skate/classic pass on almost every trail in the woods.  The wind is moving a bit of snow around, but still not too bad so hopefully the fields will ski okay through the afternoon and skiers will be able to enjoy a little sunshine, which we haven’t had much of lately.

Groomer’s choice for today is enjoying the sunshine in the East Fields.