January 28th Grooming Report--Slammed!

January 28th Grooming Report


Sixteen inches and counting at the upper end of Trail Creek as of 1 PM!; and those sixteen inches are also some of the lightest champagne powder you could ever imagine, what a day!  Even though the Pisten Bully gave it its best effort, grooming today was kind of like stringing beads on a string without a knot. 

That string included pretty much every trail at Trail Creek.  The East Fields got two separated passes and Moose Loop and the close field got many many passes in an attempt to get ahead of the snow.  The rest of the trails got a single skate/classic.

Conditions are definitely soft but how can you complain when you get to witness the majesty of an epic snowfall.  If you make it out today you might not go fast, but you will go well!

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.