January 28th Grooming Report--Day after Day of Sunshine!

January 28th Grooming Report

Day after Day of Sunshine!

If you love sunshine, then today (as well as yesterday, the day before, tomorrow, and Thursday) is your day.  We’ve been sitting in a dry spot for some time now; however, change is definitely on the horizon.  If you total up the precipitation amounts in the latest NWS hourly forecast, we are currently predicted to pick 24.9 inches of snow by Monday.  If you love sunshine, today is your day, if you love snow, it will be here before you know it.

For those of you who love sunshine or snow, you’ll find plenty of both today at Trail Creek.  The Husky began the day working on some short courses for our IMD racers which are mainly in the Close Field.  Then attention shifted to the woods with a single pass on nearly every trail, setting classic tracks as needed.  At that time a mechanic showed up to do some service work on the Husky so the East Fields grooming wrapped up with a couple of passes with the Ginzu.

All in all conditions are obviously very sunny, warming nicely with a report time temperature of 14º at the cabin, and lots and lots of lovely firm ski trails.  Practice will be a little lighter today with no Juniors, tomorrow will be very busy with Colter Winter Sports mid-day and the full slate of JHSC programs in the afternoon.

Groomer’s choice for today is Armin’s.