January 25th Grooming Report--Snowy Saturday!

January 25th Grooming Report

Snowy Saturday!

While not anywhere near a dump, we did pick up an inch or two of beautiful fresh cold snow overnight which was much appreciated.  The Husky dove right into it early this morning with the result being some very nice skiing conditions today, add in the factor of a very “Nordic friendly” report time temperature of 12ºF, and you have the makings of a great Nordic ski!

Today’s grooming began in the woods with mostly a single pass with fresh classic tracks along the way.  Grooming then shifted into the fields with multiple passes and fresh double classic tracks in most places.  The combination of fresh snow and nice temps allowed the Husky to create some lovely tracks today.

Looking ahead the weather does look very pleasant, albeit a bit challenging for Nordic skiing with little snow and some thawing temps ahead.  However, the weatherman has been a bit off so far predicting thaws, as our inversion usually saves us, and we do have a pretty good snow base which should hold up fine for the time being.  It would be nice to get back into a snow cycle sometime soon to build things even deeper.  Currently our local snow reporting station Phillips Bench is reporting 75% of normal.

Groomer’s choice for today is a nice cruise through the woods.