January 24th Grooming Report
It’s Trying to Snow!
The forecast is still calling for 1-3 inches of snow today although up to grooming report time the accumulation has been minimal. It is, however, coming down pretty steadily as of report time, so perhaps it will accumulate a bit as the day goes on.
Today’s Husky grooming covered pretty much every trail in the system. The classic tracks in the fields were mostly in pretty good shape, so were left to be refreshed with the new snowfall, ones in the woods were mostly reset. The Close Field also received multiple skate passes. The slightly warmer temps worked well for grooming today with favorable results and nice skiing.
It’s a good day to talk about racing. Our very own Moose Chase is just three weeks from tomorrow (Saturday); you can see a high resolution image of the course map by clicking here. There are distances for everyone so be sure to put it on your calendar and get registered. Our IMD racers will be heading off to West Yellowstone for the second Junior National Qualifier in two weeks, the Boulder Mountain Tour is next weekend in Sun Valley, the Spud Chase is tomorrow over the hill, and the high school team is racing today and tomorrow in Lander, a busy time for Nordic racers!
Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.