January 1st Grooming Report--Happy New Year!

January 1st Grooming Report

Happy New Year!

Put your best foot forward for the start of a great year, and to do it in grand style make sure you have a Nordic ski attached to that foot and what better place to plant that ski then at Trail Creek today!

After a bit of a frigid start this morning with some “rare this year so far” subzero temps, the sun is beaming down, the temps are climbing, and the wind is calm, making for some great conditions for a cross country ski.  Today’s grooming was with the Husky and covered almost every trail except for the East Fields (hopefully they will be groomed very soon).  Most trails received classic tracks next to the skate lanes and the close field and Moose Loop received multiple Husky passes.

Checking in on our racers in Soldier Hollow, it appears as if today’s venue is mostly practice.  The event website has a link to live streaming which promises watching opportunities beginning tomorrow; if you’re back to work tomorrow after a great holiday break, you might just need a slight diversion.

Anyway, take advantage of the holiday and go for a ski!

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.