January 14th Grooming Report--Teewinots in Sky View!

January 14th Grooming Report

Teewinots in Sky View!

A big thanks to Coach Libby for sending in some great images from yesterday’s busy practice time.  Yesterday Teewinots, not to mention Lollipoppers, Devos, Juniors, Prep, and Comp skiers got to enjoy lots of great Wyoming snow and also before practice ended, see an amazing mid-winter full moon pictured in the image below.  Apparently yesterday’s moon was a Wolf Moon, you can learn about that and many other full moons in this article from Wikipedia.

Today at Trail Creek we have been experiencing a continuous light but steady, slowly drifting earthward, of lovely, extra brut champagne snowflakes.  These ethereal flakes have actually added up to several inches in the upper reaches of the trails, but their inconsequential nature has allowed them to be groomed easily away. 

The Husky has been hard at it this morning, covering nearly every trail with fresh grooming.  The Close Field received multiple passes with fresh classic tracks while the East Fields and the woods mostly received a single pass with fresh classic tracks along the way.  Results were favorable and skiing should be nice, if a bit chilly throughout the day.

Groomer’s choice for today is Mug’s Meadow.