January 13th Grooming Report-Howling Blizzard!

January 13th Grooming Report

Howling Blizzard!

There’s a pretty impressive blizzard happening today at Trail Creek with 12:15 conditions being blustery winds, light snowfall, and a temperature of -7ºC/19ºF.  Today’s grooming was mainly focused on keeping ahead of the deepening snow in the fields in preparations for this weekend’s biggest of the year races, although by the time grooming was done, one might wonder if the groomer had shown up for work or not.

While much time was dedicated to the courses that can be viewed on the Johnny Curtis Memorial Race website, the Pisten Bully did have time to make a quick single classic/skate pass through Woolsey Woods, Moose Loop, and the trails to and from so that skiers will be able to get a bit of respite from the wind if they are bold enough to venture out today.  Also in anticipation of lots of afternoon skiers from kindergarten on up, Sky View Stadium was set as well.

Coach Katie sent the great pictures below from Pinedale where are skiers did a great job over the weekend.  Thanks to Coach Katie for coaching them and sending the images.

While we will be focusing on the upcoming race, hopefully we’ll have time to venture into the woods this week as well.  Click on this link for the tentative grooming schedule if you are interested.

Groomer’s choice for today is Woolsey Woods.

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