February 7th Grooming Report--Drippy Day!

February 7th Grooming Report

Drippy Day!

It’s a rather unusual day, weather wise, today at Trail Creek.  About 3 inches of leaden snow has fallen since yesterday’s grooming.  Throughout the morning the sky has varied between blue sky and heavy snow showers and with a report time temp of 38º, it is making for a steady drip in the woods as the heavy snow burden of the trees melts and releases.  Thankfully, even though the temps are above freezing, the precipitation we are continuing to receive is coming in the form of snow.

You might think that these conditions would make for a day not to ski, but that is very far from the truth.  Today’s extensive Husky grooming covered pretty much every trail with most woods trails receiving a single skate/classic pass and the fields and Shades of Gray receiving multiple passes.  The silver lining of today’s very warm conditions is that the snow surprisingly groomed into some pretty nice ski conditions.   Classic tracks are crisp and well defined, just waiting for your klister and the skate lanes are firm and fast.

This afternoon will be busy with a full slate of JHSC programs on snow; however the Prep/Comp team and many Juniors are off to McCall Idaho tomorrow for the third Junior National Qualifier, so practice schedules will be lighter for the rest of the week.

Groomer’s choice for today is Shades of Gray.