February 7th Grooming Report--The…Grouse Chase?

February 7th Grooming Report

The…Grouse Chase?

There may have been a miscommunication in the animal kingdom, as what did we have on our trails this morning? Not a moose, but a grouse! He was very much unconcerned with my presence and happily chilled out in the middle of the trail until I almost ran over him! I was considering changing my dinner plans, when he finally decided to high-tail it, running a few dozen yards down the trail before dodging off the side. Whew, a close call!

Grooming today was rounding out the race course, which is starting to look pretty good! Double passes on most trails that didn’t get them yesterday, as well as smoothing out some of the new trails in the fields, has really started to bring it into its own. The Stadium, Lower Stadium, Lollipopper Land and Nordic X also were groomed, and are looking very nice. Temperatures are warm, so expect to sink in a bit today!

Already reading at 35 degrees outside, Groomer’s choice is a cooler ski in the woods around Homesite and Suicide!