February 6th Grooming Report-Dumping Again!

February 6th Grooming Report

Dumping Again!

It’s falling fast and furious once again today at Trail Creek with storm total accumulation already approaching the 1 foot mark with plenty more forecast to come.  The abundance of the amazing white stuff is what makes this such a special place and allows even the little ones (pictures thanks to Coaches Kathy and Ann) to have a great Nordic time.

If plans for a great Nordic time today include skate skiing, you might have a bit more of a challenge than usual today with all the fresh snow.  Today’s grooming was double Pisten Bully passes of Saturday’s Nordic Carnival Course and the Nordic X course.  Classic tracks were set on the first pass with the second pass being skate only (course map here).  The challenging bit is that by the time grooming ended, up to 4 additional inches had fallen.  As of 12:30 snow was continuing to fall with a temperature of -3ºC/27ºF and light winds.

On another note we would like to give a shout out to a new Nordic event in Pinedale this year.  Pinedale is holding a race on February 22nd called the Pinedale Stampede which sounds like a lot of fun.  Click on the image above to go to the site for more information.

Groomer’s choice for today is a classic ski around the race course.